Write with Both Hands, No One’s Black or White, and More


1. Write with both hands, in script, because it will make you smarter. Script handwriting is great because it makes you a fast writer. Additionally, a good writing exercise is to just write a series of connecting loops, loop after loop, as though you were writing in script -- a "fake script," if you will. And while it is good to write loops, it can be better and more efficient to write connecting lines as though you were imitating a heart rate monitor: connecting slanted straight lines, for example. When writing loops, with the left hand write from left to right, and with the right hand write from right to left. This is more efficient.

2. Sometimes I find it useful to say, "I'm not black, no one’s black or white. You're not white, no one's black or white." Since many cultures do not classify people based on color, that statement should make sense. Also, perhaps it unintentionally offends people from other cultures to say that someone is black or white, since many people don't view the world that way.

3. Also, we as humans share the world together. People shouldn't say things like "it's a white world," or "it's a black world." How is it a White world? How is it a Black world? Saying "white world," and "black world," are too racist. So if you say anything, it is best to say "We as humans share the world together."

4. Perhaps the "n" word, is simply a shorthand used to refer to negroes, people of the negro race, or black people. The German word for negro is neger, and the Spanish word for black is negro. Also, many people believe that the negro race is beautiful.

5. "In order to read a book, read each book with a different voice: history, philosophy, plays and poems, science and mathematics, respectively." --How to Read a Book, Mortimer Adler
